Friday, December 5, 2008

Sao Paulo attractions

Sao Paulo is a very dynamic city that attracts visitors every year. With colorful ethnic neighborhoods and a vibrant nightlife, Sao Paulo is much preferred tourist destination.

One can see the city’s source of energy in the Avenida Paulista's canyon of upthrusting skyscrapers. Sao Paulo possesses significant ethnic minority communities, including substantial Japanese, Italian, and Arab and Lebanese Christian neighbourhoods that are so appealing to the visitors.

Sao Paulo also boasts of museums that are among the finest in South America. The city is blessed with coastlines that are graced with many lovely beaches, and its entertainment and nightlife have for years attracted some of the best performers in the world.

The city is also a center for Brazil's own martial art, capoeira, whose dance-like motions are performed to music. The art has its own traditional instruments: drums and the berimbau, a stringed rod used to keep time.

Explore the tradition and culture as you visit art galleries, museums, monuments and landmarks, and national parks. Relish your taste bud to delectable cuisines in the city restaurants.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Sau Paulo serves you the best traditional dishes

Sao Paulo in Brazil is a diverse city. The diversity is reflected in its multi-cuisines as well which is an added attraction for tourists. Visitors to Sao Paulo can enjoy its vast dining scene that promises to keep everyone happy. From budget-friendly lanchonetes (lunch bars) to carnivore-friendly churrascarias (barbecue buffets), excellent sushi and pizza joints to lipsmacking gastronomic temples, the various choices of restaurants makes it tourist-friendly.

When you are in the city, get yourself acquainted with the traditions and customs by eating out in restaurants that serve traditional cuisines. Enjoy the hospitality of the city and the people in Sao Paulo restaurants. There are thousands of restaurants, and if there's something you crave it's bound to be there, be it the obscurest of world cuisine or a simple slice of pizza - a local favorite.

Some popular foods in the city that will leave you happier are:

* Tutu a Mineira: Mashed beans served with roasted pork loin, cabbage, and rice.

* Pao de Queijo: cheese bread.

* Acaraje: Fried shrimp pie.

* Virada Paulista: Rice, beans and banana served with meat.

* Feijoada: A stew of black beans and a variety of meats, served with rice and kale.

* Polenta: Baked dough of corn flour with salt.

* Churrasco: Excellent quality barbecued meat

* Pastel: Fried pies eaten with various fillings like meat, cheese, guava, and condensed milk.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sao Paulo - An Exciting City to Entertain You...

Sao Paulo is the most vibrating and modern cosmopolitan city of Brazil. The stunning Brazilian city has the capability to entertain you with its spectacular attractions and gracious beaches. When you visit Sao Paulo, you will be enchanted by good and pleasant weather. There are three airports in Sao Paulo- Congohas Airport, Sao Paulo International and Viracous Airport, which serve you with flight service. Sao Paulo is counted as one of the largest city in Brazil and the world and often compared with the most populous cities like New York and Los Angeles.

As people of different nationalities have found Sao Paulo as their permanent home, the city has the colors of different culture which has influence in the cuisine and lifestyle of the people. Sao Paulo is well known for its food and the lucrative business. The nightlife of the city is also very exciting. You can visit the two main entertainment districts of the city like Rua 13 de Maio and Jardins are more popular among the visitors.